Wednesday, May 19, 2010

the university

The university is an awesome world because you can see people so different living together and studiying something that they really like . For that reason it's so different from the school where you study because you have to study even if you don't understand the reason for that.

I've liked the short time that I've been studying veterinary because I've learned a lot of new things and I've met new classmates (and new bad marks too). But I don't really know why I chose study veterinary medicine. Maybe because I grew up surrounded by the nature and been an only child the animals become in your brothers and sisters and I wanted know how could I help them . If I will become a vet I would continue to be next to the animals during all my life and whit my profession I could do something more important to protect the nature and save our planet. But if during the five years of my career I discover that to be a vet is not my way, I will always try to protect the animals with no matter what I will do with my life.
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