Sunday, June 27, 2010

My ideal job

I’ve always wanted to travel, so I suppose that my ideal job is related with travel to different countries around the world and investigate about the typical animals of each place. I would like to go to Borneo, there I could work in the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation taking care of the rescued orangutans and teaching to the people how they could conserve the natural habitat of these beautiful animals. Also I would like work in the south of Chile in the Monito del Monte (or little mountain monkey) conservation because there’s not many information about them and it is a great loss because the little mountain monkey is an unique species in the world. If I work in wildlife conservation I would like to work with other nature lovers like me because you need a lot of vocation in this work because you have to dedicate a lot of hours a day working. If I get this kind of work I will be very happy because I could help to endangered species and I could increase the knowledge about them and at the same time I would fulfill my dream of travel and knew other cultures.

Other ideal job for me could be work in a big animal sanctuary like DogTown because a vet can work with total freedom in a place like this. There I could work in a specific area of veterinary medicine like cardiology (because I like the hearts). In Chile there aren’t places like that, so I´ll have to go to other country to work and learn, later I would come back to Chile and create an animal refuge with other vets because in our country there are a lot of abandoned and ill-treated animals who need help and love.

I think that any job could be an ideal job because if you work with love and passion you will be happy with no matter the money that you receive.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

My favourite subject

Zoology or animal diversity has been my favorite subject until now. This subject is about the different kinds of animals, their anatomical features and how they are related.
The zoology classes are based on slides with a lot of pictures and in my opinion that is a good way to learn complex subjects like this. Moreover there are laboratory practices when the students can see the internal and external anatomy of the animals. The only bad thing is the hands ache when the class finish because you have to write a lot of information. Besides the study for the tests is very hard because you have to learn a lot of weird names and organs.

I like zoology because with this subject I can understand how the body of the animals works, since the unknown and strange Protozoans until us, the mammals. I also like this subject because it seems to me that it is closer to the daily life than chemistry or math because I can apply my knowledge every time I see an animal.

Friday, June 4, 2010

session 3

Jeff Corwin is a person who I have admired since I was a litle girl. Jeff was born in Massachusetts, US on 1967. He has been working for the conservation of endangered species and ecosystems around the world throughout his all life. He got a bachelor of science degrees in biology and anthropology and he also has a master of science degree in wildlife and fisheries conservation. After finished the university he took part of a lot of expeditions to tropical forest related with conservations programs. But Jeff became famous thanks his TV program The Jeff Corwin Experience on Animal Planet.

I like him because in his tv program he travel around the world looking for different animals and he teaches about their features, behavior and what we can do to protect them. Also I like him because in his TV program he shows the animals with humor, unlike others TV presenters who show the nature in a boring way.

I would like to be like Jeff and travel to far-off countries to learn about unknown animals and teach to the people who lives there how they can ptotect them and their habitat, because if the people have no respect for the animals they can't have respect for themself.
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